Friday, 30 August 2013

Jewellery love for all ages...Vezoora’s aim to preserve this everlasting love with creativity

Jewelry Obsession is very common factor in all ages. New Creations and beautification have been used since ages and goes under sea changes throughout the years.
With evolvement in every human civilization, jewelry love is generally acceptable in almost all culture and periods of time. Jewelry materials also revolved from these expensive, colorful adornments to varied and affordable.

 Our social class also represents themselves with varied form of self-expression and decorations. With all the transformations jewelry has been through, it seems to serve some things constantly- expression of belonging  love, religious affiliations and beauty. As an ever changing industry, there is no doubt that designs of great importance are still to be revived and refined as years go by.

In Today’s era Premium jewelry is revamped drastically and evolves as a form of artistic creations manufactured from different materials. Alternately, the discovery of materials and ways to make affordable adornments made jewelry even more affordable. Now Jewelry is not for people of affluence and class but everyone seems to be enjoying the popularity and availability of these jewels. With the technological advancement and readily available materials, even the most expensive piece of jewelry can be duplicated within minutes. 

These days jewelry focuses more on the display of creativity, design and meaning rather than being symbols of social class or wealth. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Moon Planet Silver Sheen for your good well-being!!

Everyone  around the globe love to wear different metals in their own style and fashion but very less knows about their real benefits to their each body organs. Metals show a permanent effect on the energy field.

Today we'll start with silver ..As Sparkler as Moon!!

Some of Silver's Great Diagnostic and healing benefits-

If we wear silver around neck, it calm the nerves. And if you wear silver on the ring finger of right or left hand - it removes excessive energy in blood circulation and reduces blood pressure. A ring on the index finger of both right and left hand normalizes the work of gastrointestinal tract. For heart invigoration, it is recommended to constantly wear a silver ring on the little finger of the left hand.  Silver things blacken, if a person has a problem in the endocrine system. And it may also happen that a silver item may become brighter than it was. This may indicate a serious kidney disorder, since sweat releases substances containing nitrogen, which comes into reaction with silver decorations and makes them shine. 

Silver is having unusual strengths and it stimulates energy flows to itself. One feels revitalized and stronger. And above all it helps you to concentrate on your thoughts. Wearing Silver according to advanced medical sciences can help in balancing various body elements. Silver helps in skin and bone formation along with healing and best pain killer for muscular aches.

Vezoora loves to bring the best properties of metal with which our jewelry is associated( Vezoora's best gemstone sterling silver jewellery creations aims to bring the best design pieces which not only enhances your beauty but your health too.

Creatively Striped semi-precious stone by Nature: Agate

In this blog we are finding some very special qualities of these lovely gemstones which make them unique from one another....We'll start with Agate.

No gemstone is more creatively striped by nature than agate – technically, chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colors and textures. Agate exhibits banded patterns, & helps to cleanse and balance energies while eliminating negativity.It also inspires fidelity, strengthens eyesight and helps to relieve thirst by deeply nourishing your physical body and fostering cooperation among all its parts.

Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in its host rock, resulting in round nodules, with bands like the rings of a tree trunk, looking like eyes.
It is believed to bring good fortune, health, wealth and long life.  As well as quenching thirst and preventing fevers.It's also said to bring self-confidence by banishing fear.

Vezoora always love to create the best handmade jewelry from these lovely natural gemstones and try to keep them as natural as they are..(

Monday, 26 August 2013

Vezoora Gemstone Love!!...Why women enticed by gemstones and their positive energy???

Have you ever wondered why you feel attracted to some colors? Vezoora will try to explain this( !!
Well there is an ancient secret behind why we are enticed by colors and why our color choices also change with time.

According to Ayurveda, the body has seven chakras which are located along the spine, from the head to the groin. Each chakra (Vezoora Chakra Jewellery, is associated with a single color of the visible spectrum, along with an important function and organ. 

According to ayurvedic medicine, the chakras can become imbalanced and result in physical diseases. But, application of the appropriate color can correct such imbalances.
Now it is no coincidence that these chakras are the same as glands according to modern medicine. These glands play a pivotal role in our health and well being because they secrete some special chemicals into the blood, which help with vital functions in our body.

For example, the Sahasrara Chakra, which is situated at the base of the brain, is correlated to the Pituitary Gland. According to ancient science, this chakra forms the basis of our consciousness and is associated with karma, meditation, universal love, and emotional balance. According to Buddhist tradition, it contains Bodhi chitta, the conscious energy. The color for this chakra is violet which enhances its ability and helps the person connect with higher energies.
Similarly, other 6 chakras have their own peculiar character and color. The color directly influences the chakra and improves its functioning. A trained practitioner of chakra balancing and pranic healing can check for unbalanced chakra and suggest a suitable color therapy. Here’s where crystals come into importance.

Crystals and their effects:  
Crystals have a long tradition of being used for healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal color & structure, which helps restore stability and balance to the chakras, stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings.
Crystals can be placed on specific points of the body to bring relief or can be swept over the body using, for example, a crystal pendulum healing technique or a crystal wand healing technique. Carrying or wearing a crystal that resonates with a physical condition can also gently ameliorate the condition.

Now let us talk about some very interesting crystals:

It is associated with Throat Chakra (Thyroid Gland).
Amazonite is a lovely blue and green stone often streaked with white. It is an extremely soothing crystal and is believed to calm the brain and nervous system. It dispels negative energy and improves confidence, leadership and communication. It is a useful stone to wear if you face a challenging situation, have a difficult question to ask or have to speak in public. It is a good stone for writers and artists as it enhances self-expression and creativity. It can also be an aid to seeing both sides of a problem and in analyzing and sorting out information.

Astrophyllite is a dark coloured stone that often contains sparkling threads. It helps you see what you no longer need in your life and allows you to let go of it. It encourages you to move on and realize your dreams. You learn appreciate that as one door closes another opens. It is also said to help you to become more aware of people's intentions around you. For this reason it is an excellent stone for those undergoing transformation in life. Especially for women, Astrophyllite benefits reproductive and hormonal systems and help with PMS and menopause.

Rest facts I'll keep sharing and discussing..please suggest your valuable comments

Monday, 19 August 2013

Art of Chakra Healing !! Can Easily get these free flowing energy from Vezoora Chakra Jewellery

Seven Chakras to give you Power and Energy- Centers of life force 

These are points in the human body, i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves.Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely ...
Chakras are of seven types: 

On the base of Spine there is Root Chakra which represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.There are emotional issues attached with this such as financial independence, money, and food.
On the Lower abdomen, there is a Sacral Chakra about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in .There are  Emotional issues like Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality associate with it. Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.

On the Upper abdomen in the stomach area there is Solar Plexus Chakra. It is associated with Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

On the Center of chest just above heart there is Heart Chakra which relates with Love, joy, inner peace. Our ability to love
On the Throat there is Throat Chakra which is for Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. Our ability to communicate.

 On the Forehead between the eyesthere is Third eye Chakra (Also called the Brow Chakra) which associate with Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
On the very top of the head there is Crown Chakra which symbolizes Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

Vezoora Chakra Jewellery sharing the positiveness to you -,

Friday, 2 August 2013

Beautiful transparent, lovely lime-green stone – Peridot, August birthstone, which is directly related to body parts...increase confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought.

Even a tiny piece of Peridot has a vibration that will bring through a sense of well-being into your life. 

One of the foremost characteristics of this lovely green stone, is its ability to elevate your overall level of happiness. It will enable you to learn how to be happy more easily. This energy will flow through you and correct problems... and aid you wherever needed.

Its unique vibration brings through spiritual energies that will bless and energize your life. It is a heart chakra stone with a vibration that is calming to the body... and helps to aid you to have a positive outlook on life.

Peridot heals such illnesses as ulcers, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

 It is also useful in helping to heal insect bites. Peridot has a tonic effect- it heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. Peridot is also very beneficial when it comes to treating psychological afflictions as well. 

It is a wonderful stone to help someone who is going through depression. It is a stone of lightness that counters the effects of negative emotions. It has the ability to balance the process of emotional release and detoxifies negative emotions, bringing them to comfortable levels. 

Peridot fosters emotional balance, security, and inner peace. It soothes nervousness, heals emotional and physical pain, and lightens suffering.